**In order to Begin, required of YOU, please Message Me your information:
Name [*Full (first & last) Name or Nickname Preference]
Birth DATE
Birth TIME (*to the Minute, include AM or PM)
Location (City, State)
Current Mailing Address
Phone Text Contact
Email Address
All Sessions delivered Digitally to your EMAIL ADDRESS.
***By Request You will receive a Package of Your Chart, My Notes, an Astrological Symbols KEY and a CD Recording of your Session, along with a Personal Greeting included for YOU to Your Mailing Address. (*Apologies. No Printer at the moment...)
The Traveling ASTROLOGER:
~Deluxe NATAL and TRANSITS Session:
[*“First Time Client” Session]
This is the Session where we begin. Your NATAL answer is “What YOU came into this world to DO and what influences you brought with you to enable that task.” WHO YOU ARE. YOU are a LIVING DEFINITION INTERPRETATION of a Single Moment in Time. (*YOUR Birth Moment, specific to the Minute!) You DEFINE that Stopped Moment in time, but the Planets did not stop, so Part #2 of this Session is “What is HAPPENING in “The NOW”. This is your influences over time, both in the PRESENT and what brought You TO this Present and reaching into both the Near and Far FUTURE.
(*expect an hour and 20 minutes) $180
(*Looking at TWO People, Natal, Transits and the “US” Between the Two)
This Session is like the above “Deluxe NATAL and TRANSITS Session” for TWO, YOU and whomever you are comparing yourself with. [Spouse, Partner, Lover, Bestie, Parent, Boss, as well a look at YOU connected to Your Business. The Individual NATAL answers for Both, as well as the combined “US = YOU & ME” that exists between the two of you, ALL of which include the Transiting “IN the NOW” answers. This looks at a combination of FIVE Charts, as themselves And in Motion thru Time.
(*Two Hour Session) $222
TRANSIT, “In the NOW” Session:
(*Repeating Client Session!)
“Interpreting any SIGNIFICANT EVENT in the Past or Anticipated in the FUTURE”
In this Session I speak about what is Happening NOW, for How Long and When it will CHANGE; Focusing on “The Motion” of the planets andtheir moving influence thru time. The Planets are ALWAYS in motion. Come Back for this repeating session Often!
(One Hour Session) $120
Business Astrology:
This is a “Deluxe NATAL and TRANSITS Session” Interpreted for “YOUR BUSINESS” rather than for an Individual Person. This includes What Influences the Business holds as it’s own “Personality” and the Influences thru TIME that have affected and Will affect the Business.
(*expect an hour and 20 minutes) $180
CHILD Natal Session:
This session focuses on “Who the Child will BE/BECOME”, with these Permanent influences that have been born in to in this lifetime. [*Infant/Toddler/Tween/Teen]
(* 45 – 50 minute Session) $120
AstroCartography Session:
~(1) Where in the World? HOME, WORK, SELF Maps!
As YOU move about the Globe, especially in the East/West Direction, you turn the wheel of the Influence of your Original Birth Location Natal Answer. I Look at and Interpret 3 Charts, focusing on HOME, WORK and the SELF, and the Locations in which these LIFE TOPICS are Best Supported by the Meaning of the Planets. [*YOU can influence your own answer by Putting Yourself into the locations in which Planets are BEST SUPPORTED On Purpose.
(One Hour Session) $180
~(2) RELOCATIONAL Chart: Choose 3 Cities!
This is the same idea as above, sort of…. This idea relocates your NATAL Chart into New Locations, thereby influencing the House Location of the planetary influences that are within you. [*Note: It takes a shift across two time zones to shift your chart by ONE HOUSE PLACEMENT.] The further away Your CITY Choices are from your Birth City, the More CHANGED your answer will be. You can CHANGE your Answer by deliberately Putting yourself into New Locations. A move across the country, perhaps, or making International Leaps of Travel.
(One Hour Session) $180
HORARY Astrology Session:
The Answer of “This MOMENT” interpreted in a TAROT Story Style. The ANSWER is apparent within The Moment of the Question. Every Minute of TIME, the wheel of the chart turns, ALL the way around in a 24 hour period. This CHART of The Moment is interpreted in context to itself, (*Not connected to your natal chart….)House Placements and Angles are significant. Using Astrology as a Divination Tool.
(HALF Hour Session) $100
Hybrid Celtic Cross style with BONUS cards. Your Story unfolds as In Real Time as the Cards are revealed. Who your are Right Now connected to what is happening to you, what challenges that moment, the Base of what supports you, what just happened, NOW, what is soon to come, another view of the Base, the people around you, what you Hope for yet are afraid of and the Coming OUTCOME at hand, with 3 more Bonus Cards, putting the “Cherry on Top!” (*Recorded)
(*expect 40 – 45 minutes) $70
Cosmic TIP Jar!
Drop a DONATION in my JAR! Give THANKS and BLESSINGS for my Many YEARS of Astrological Self Education and Wisdom…! Thank YOU for Listening! $15,10,5
The GIVE Game!
(*Dollar Donation$, sent as ca$h in the mail to 9 CAUSES of your choice [or MY CHOICE], with ONE$ back to YOU with “The Give Game” Story!
See “The Give Game” Story on WebSite: $55
Pay it FORWARD, Pass it ONWARD!!!
$10 dollar bill as CA$H in the Mail Gift to Person of your Choice with
ABUNDANCE BLESSING(s) passed along and offered on the way!
(*Include Name and Mailing Address for the Person Gifted.) $111
HEALING and SOUL Coaching!
Reflective Counseling & Coaching using Multi Method Belief Systems, Including:
Herbal Remedy Suggestions
Essential Oils Recommendations
Homeopathy Remedy Suggestions
And MORE…!
Half Hour/(30-35 minute session) by Appointment $100
**To REQUEST the SESSION of your Choice, send PayPal of FEE to:
[email protected]
(*Please Include Your Birth and Contact Information as a message.)
To Receive a DISCOUNT on any Session, Please book thru my ETSY Page.
*Psst....! "CODE2023" = 23% off 1January - 31December 2023!
Thank YOU!
**In order to Begin, required of YOU, please Message Me your information:
Name [*Full (first & last) Name or Nickname Preference]
Birth DATE
Birth TIME (*to the Minute, include AM or PM)
Location (City, State)
Current Mailing Address
Phone Text Contact
Email Address
All Sessions delivered Digitally to your EMAIL ADDRESS.
***By Request You will receive a Package of Your Chart, My Notes, an Astrological Symbols KEY and a CD Recording of your Session, along with a Personal Greeting included for YOU to Your Mailing Address. (*Apologies. No Printer at the moment...)
The Traveling ASTROLOGER:
~Deluxe NATAL and TRANSITS Session:
[*“First Time Client” Session]
This is the Session where we begin. Your NATAL answer is “What YOU came into this world to DO and what influences you brought with you to enable that task.” WHO YOU ARE. YOU are a LIVING DEFINITION INTERPRETATION of a Single Moment in Time. (*YOUR Birth Moment, specific to the Minute!) You DEFINE that Stopped Moment in time, but the Planets did not stop, so Part #2 of this Session is “What is HAPPENING in “The NOW”. This is your influences over time, both in the PRESENT and what brought You TO this Present and reaching into both the Near and Far FUTURE.
(*expect an hour and 20 minutes) $180
(*Looking at TWO People, Natal, Transits and the “US” Between the Two)
This Session is like the above “Deluxe NATAL and TRANSITS Session” for TWO, YOU and whomever you are comparing yourself with. [Spouse, Partner, Lover, Bestie, Parent, Boss, as well a look at YOU connected to Your Business. The Individual NATAL answers for Both, as well as the combined “US = YOU & ME” that exists between the two of you, ALL of which include the Transiting “IN the NOW” answers. This looks at a combination of FIVE Charts, as themselves And in Motion thru Time.
(*Two Hour Session) $222
TRANSIT, “In the NOW” Session:
(*Repeating Client Session!)
“Interpreting any SIGNIFICANT EVENT in the Past or Anticipated in the FUTURE”
In this Session I speak about what is Happening NOW, for How Long and When it will CHANGE; Focusing on “The Motion” of the planets andtheir moving influence thru time. The Planets are ALWAYS in motion. Come Back for this repeating session Often!
(One Hour Session) $120
Business Astrology:
This is a “Deluxe NATAL and TRANSITS Session” Interpreted for “YOUR BUSINESS” rather than for an Individual Person. This includes What Influences the Business holds as it’s own “Personality” and the Influences thru TIME that have affected and Will affect the Business.
(*expect an hour and 20 minutes) $180
CHILD Natal Session:
This session focuses on “Who the Child will BE/BECOME”, with these Permanent influences that have been born in to in this lifetime. [*Infant/Toddler/Tween/Teen]
(* 45 – 50 minute Session) $120
AstroCartography Session:
~(1) Where in the World? HOME, WORK, SELF Maps!
As YOU move about the Globe, especially in the East/West Direction, you turn the wheel of the Influence of your Original Birth Location Natal Answer. I Look at and Interpret 3 Charts, focusing on HOME, WORK and the SELF, and the Locations in which these LIFE TOPICS are Best Supported by the Meaning of the Planets. [*YOU can influence your own answer by Putting Yourself into the locations in which Planets are BEST SUPPORTED On Purpose.
(One Hour Session) $180
~(2) RELOCATIONAL Chart: Choose 3 Cities!
This is the same idea as above, sort of…. This idea relocates your NATAL Chart into New Locations, thereby influencing the House Location of the planetary influences that are within you. [*Note: It takes a shift across two time zones to shift your chart by ONE HOUSE PLACEMENT.] The further away Your CITY Choices are from your Birth City, the More CHANGED your answer will be. You can CHANGE your Answer by deliberately Putting yourself into New Locations. A move across the country, perhaps, or making International Leaps of Travel.
(One Hour Session) $180
HORARY Astrology Session:
The Answer of “This MOMENT” interpreted in a TAROT Story Style. The ANSWER is apparent within The Moment of the Question. Every Minute of TIME, the wheel of the chart turns, ALL the way around in a 24 hour period. This CHART of The Moment is interpreted in context to itself, (*Not connected to your natal chart….)House Placements and Angles are significant. Using Astrology as a Divination Tool.
(HALF Hour Session) $100
Hybrid Celtic Cross style with BONUS cards. Your Story unfolds as In Real Time as the Cards are revealed. Who your are Right Now connected to what is happening to you, what challenges that moment, the Base of what supports you, what just happened, NOW, what is soon to come, another view of the Base, the people around you, what you Hope for yet are afraid of and the Coming OUTCOME at hand, with 3 more Bonus Cards, putting the “Cherry on Top!” (*Recorded)
(*expect 40 – 45 minutes) $70
Cosmic TIP Jar!
Drop a DONATION in my JAR! Give THANKS and BLESSINGS for my Many YEARS of Astrological Self Education and Wisdom…! Thank YOU for Listening! $15,10,5
The GIVE Game!
(*Dollar Donation$, sent as ca$h in the mail to 9 CAUSES of your choice [or MY CHOICE], with ONE$ back to YOU with “The Give Game” Story!
See “The Give Game” Story on WebSite: $55
Pay it FORWARD, Pass it ONWARD!!!
$10 dollar bill as CA$H in the Mail Gift to Person of your Choice with
ABUNDANCE BLESSING(s) passed along and offered on the way!
(*Include Name and Mailing Address for the Person Gifted.) $111
HEALING and SOUL Coaching!
Reflective Counseling & Coaching using Multi Method Belief Systems, Including:
Herbal Remedy Suggestions
Essential Oils Recommendations
Homeopathy Remedy Suggestions
And MORE…!
Half Hour/(30-35 minute session) by Appointment $100
**To REQUEST the SESSION of your Choice, send PayPal of FEE to:
[email protected]
(*Please Include Your Birth and Contact Information as a message.)
To Receive a DISCOUNT on any Session, Please book thru my ETSY Page.
*Psst....! "CODE2023" = 23% off 1January - 31December 2023!
Thank YOU!